Piano Analytics, known for its precise analytics and data management platform, can be integrated directly through Edgee, enabling you to harness its powerful analytics tools without the need for embedding any additional scripts on your site. This edge-based integration significantly boosts site performance while adhering to the highest standards of user privacy.

Piano Analytics component accepts page, identify, and track events.

Getting Started

To configure Piano Analytics in your Edgee project:

  1. Access the Edgee console and select your project’s Data Collection service.
  2. Click on “Add Destination” and select “Piano Analytics” from the available options.
  3. Input your Piano Analytics Site ID and API Key, then click Save.
    (Your Site ID and API Key are available within your Piano Analytics dashboard, under the project settings or API configuration section.)
  4. Once the component has been configured, you’re all set to start forwarding analytics events to Piano Analytics directly from the edge.

Destination Name

For correctly routing events in your Context Payload or via SDK function calls, refer to the destination as Piano Analytics.

  "destinations": {
    "piano_analytics": true