Google Analytics 4 is now available at the edge. This means you can use Google Analytics 4 without having to load the Google Analytics 4 script on your website. This is a huge win for privacy and performance.

Google Analytics component accepts page, identify, and track events.

Getting Started

Google Analytics 4 supports server-to-server integration via its Measurement Protocol API. Edgee monitors the capabilities of the Measurement Protocol API and regularly updates the GA component to propose the best level of reporting.

To add Google Analytics to your project:

  1. From the Edgee console, go to your project and go to the Data Collection service.
  2. Click on “Add Destination” and choose “Google Analytics”.
  3. Enter the Measurement ID and the API Secret associated with your GA4 stream and click Save.
    (To create a new API Secret, navigate in the Google Analytics UI to Admin > Data Streams > choose your stream > Measurement Protocol > Create)
  4. You can now start sending events to Google Analytics.

Destination name

When specifying the destination in the Context Payload or using SDK methods, please use Google Analytics as the destination name.

  "destinations": {
    "google_analytics": true