Edgee provides a tool to help you understand data collection roadblocks on your website and estimate the impact of these barriers on your data analytics efforts.

By analyzing your web pages, we provide detailed insights into how data loss can occur due to user consent requirements, adblockers, and client-side performance issues.

How It Works

Our tool takes a URL input and launches a special crawler that simulates user interactions and observes all data collection requests initiated by the page within the browser environment.

  1. Input URL: provide the URL of the webpage you wish to analyze.
  2. Crawling: We crawl the webpage and simulate standard user interactions to trigger data collection requests.
  3. Request Analysis: For each data request, the tool assesses potential obstacles that might prevent the data from being collected successfully.

Types of Obstacles Identified


Evaluates the likelihood of data requests being blocked by adblockers.

Significant potential data loss, as adblockers can indiscriminately block tracking scripts even if they aren’t related to advertising.


Checks if data requests require user consent before execution.

Potential data loss if users do not grant consent, impacting overall data collection effectiveness.

Client-side Performance Issues

Analyzes issues related to client-side execution such as poor connectivity, page bounces, and conflicts between libraries.

These issues can delay or prevent data requests from completing, leading to data loss.

Data Loss Correspondence Table

Based on extensive studies with our customers, we have developed a correspondence table that quantifies the expected data loss associated with each type of obstacle. This table is used to provide:

  • Estimated Data Loss: For each type of data collection request, the tool estimates potential data loss percentages.
  • Average Data Loss: We calculate an average data loss based on the types and frequencies of obstacles encountered on the webpage.

Estimating Data Loss for Loyal Users

With our tool you can also take into consideration the behavior of loyal users - those with more than four sessions per day - and estimate data loss specifically for this user segment. The rationale is that loyal users, due to their frequent interactions with the site, are more likely to encounter and potentially activate those obstacles, leading to higher risks of data loss.

How to use the tool

  • Access: The Data Loss Estimation Tool is available through the Edgee homepage.
  • Report: After analysis, the tool provides a comprehensive report detailing each detected obstacle, the potential data loss, and recommendations for mitigating these losses.

This tool is invaluable for businesses looking to optimize their data collection strategies, enhance user engagement, and improve overall data accuracy. By understanding and addressing the potential roadblocks to effective data collection, companies can make informed decisions to adapt their analytics practices and achieve better outcomes.